
Did you know all Walks and Wags Staff are American Red Cross certified in Dog First Aid? This is one of the many certifications our staff have received as part of Walks and Wags Continuing Education. It is our goal to make sure our staff are educated on the best techniques to care for your…

Who hasn’t wondered, “Why does my pet eat grass?” The truth is there isn’t one clear reason. What we do know is that eating small amounts of grass can be a harmless, albeit curious, thing for a perfectly healthy dog or cat eating great hunks of the stuff—and grassy vomit hits the kitchen tile—it’s time…

An eighth of an inch. That’s about as big as a flea gets. How could something so small cause such a big problem for so long? We want to give you the knowledge now before it becomes a problem. This great article by Vetstreet gives you the info you need to battle this tiny pest.…

When your dog is in pain, you want to help him feel better—fast. Luckily, there are quite a few things you can do to relieve the aches that are an everyday occurrence for dogs with arthritis: Click the link below for a list of 10 things you can do to help.

Alarming new reports are out that Purina Beneful could be harming your pets. We wanted to share the information with you, our Walks and Wags Family, so you can make an informed decision on your own. We have included a link to CBS news report about the lawsuit claims. Whenever you go to select a…

5 Ways to Keep Your Pet’s Teeth and Gums Healthy for Life February is Dental Health Month, which means it’s time to lavish some attention on your pet’s teeth. It’s important to take proper care of canine and feline teeth, because if left untreated, plaque and tartar buildup can progress to painful periodontal disease. The…

Don’t get frustrated with with your pup when he makes your yard look like a big mess. This article gives some great advice on the Do’s and Don’t of keeping your yard pet friendly. And how to train your dog to use certain areas as his personal space.

BY COLLEEN OAKLEY It can be a peculiar sight: After you put food in your dogs bowl, he takes a mouthful, walks across the room, drops it onto your carpet and then munches away. And he repeats this curious ritual until his chow is all gone. It doesn’t seem like an efficient way to eat—not to mention that…

We should all put in a lot of time and consideration before picking out a dog. When you live in an apartment or have neighbors that like peace and quiet, it can be especially difficult to find a good match.  However, there ARE dogs that tend to be more quiet than others! If your home…

Great article by trainer Robin Bennett on four things you should teach your pup. Just remember teaching a dog takes patience and time.

Walks and Wags feels more like a family than a business. I can honestly say their employees truly care for every dog. — Adam W.
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Mobile, AL 36693
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