
A Women’s Business Center Success Story Excerpt By Kaitlyn WilliamsAs you drive up to 631 Azalea Road in Mobile, AL your eyes are immediately drawn to the pink and black sign, “Walks and Wags” is proudly displayed in bold-faced letters. Cindie Carter herself walks out with a warm smile, her eyes crinkling amiably. As she…

The dog turns to you (and away from distractions in the environment) the moment he hears his name. We are teaching the dog’s name to mean “look at me.” With practice, the dog’s response to his name will become an automatic, conditioned response. Why? The Name Game is one of the most useful tools in training…

Giving kisses on command is a favorite dog trick for many people, especially children. It also happens to be one of the easiest tricks to train a dog to do. What You Need Some yummy treats are all that you need to train a dog to give kisses. Peanut butter or cream cheese works well…

Does your Fido or Fifi have bad breath? Don’t ignore it but pay attention. That odor might signify a serious health risk, with the potential to damage not only your pet’s teeth and gums but its internal organs as well. Your pet’s teeth should be checked at least once a year by your veterinarian for…

Did you Know? The holidays are all about giving, and we want to give to our dogs as well as to our human friends, and often our animals like nothing better than special food and treats! However, it’s important when sharing special treats that we do so carefully. No one wants to turn what’s meant…

High Five Start by commanding your dog to sit, and reward him with a treat. Next, hold a treat in front of him but slightly out of reach. Repeat the command “high five” while gently tapping one of his feet. Most dogs will raise their foot to paw at the treat in your other hand.…

When your pets tend to be on exotic side, finding someone to care for them while you are away can be a real challenge. Many of us have friends and family who are comfortable looking after our cats and dogs, but they may not be so keen on handling more unusual pets or their food…

They didn’t coin the term “doggy paddle” because canines stay on shore. Many dogs enjoy swimming as much as people do, and cool times in the local swimming spot are irreplaceable summer experiences. But you have to look out for your pet around water, since even the strongest, most enthusiastic swimmers can get into trouble.…

By definition, cower means to move back or bend your body down because you are afraid. Many people associate a cowering dog with a dog that was abused. This is one of those myths that is just not true. There are various reasons for dogs cowering, and not all of them are because a dog was abused. Commonly,…

Dogs with seasonal allergies will exhibit symptoms for only a few weeks a year. The peak times for seasonal allergies are during the spring and fall. Dogs with seasonal allergies may begin sneezing excessively. The sneezing will be accompanied by a clear discharge from the nose and eyes. Your dog’s eyes may become irritated. Read more: Seasonal…

Walks and Wags feels more like a family than a business. I can honestly say their employees truly care for every dog. — Adam W.
Location 631 Azalea Road
Mobile, AL 36693
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